what can A Holistic helper- help you with?

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Hypnotherapy and Holistic Modalities can help with a wide range of issues, including stress and anxiety reduction, pain management, overcoming phobias and fears, stopping smoking, breaking bad habits, and improving overall mental and emotional well-being




rewrite your narrative and let go of limiting beliefs









I'm WeirdoJoJoe.

I've dedicated my life to guiding people like you on a journey toward emotional wellness. Do you often feel like an invisible wall is holding you back? You're not alone. The good news is, we can break down that wall together, piece by piece.

My Story

Years ago, I was drawn to the field of hypnotherapy because I wanted to make a difference. Today, I bring that same passion and curiosity to my practice. My goal is to understand you holistically, not just the things you want to change.

With over 30 years of hands-on experience, I specialize in generalized hypnotherapy. This isn't just a job for me—it's a calling. I keep up to date with the latest research and trainings to ensure you're getting evidence-based support.

What Makes My Approach Unique

What sets me apart is my holistic, subconscious-focused approach. Our sessions will transcend traditional 'talk therapy.' We'll delve deeply into your subconscious mind, utilizing advanced hypnotherapy techniques to facilitate profound and lasting transformation. Together, we'll navigate your inner landscape, unlocking pathways to healing and personal growth, harnessing the power of your mind to achieve tangible, enduring change.

transform your mind, transform your life

Grey Haired Adult Male
Quotation Mark
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Juan Lopaela


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Andy Evans


Happy woman in casual outfit laughing in park

You Should Choose Me

Evidence-Based Methods

Transformational Journey

This isn't about slapping on a quick fix. Working with me is a transformative experience aimed at long-lasting change. We'll dig deep to tackle the root causes, not just the symptoms.

I rely on proven methods to ensure you're getting the most effective treatment. Your transformation journey deserves nothing less than the best, most researched techniques.

Your Goals, Your Pace Solutions

Affordable Care

Worried about the cost? Let's discuss payment options and sliding scale fees. Hynpotherapy should be accessible.

Safety and Trust

Your emotional well-being is my utmost priority. Rest assured that everything shared in our sessions is confidential, following ethical and legal guidelines. You can be your true self here—no judgments.

Flexible Solutions

Life is busy—I get it. That's why I offer multiple ways for us to connect. Choose between in-person sessions or secure video consultations to make hypnotherapy work for your schedule.

Hypnotherapy is not a one-size-fits-all experience. We'll set realistic, personalized goals and move at a pace that feels comfortable for you.


Got Questions or Need to Talk? I'm Here to Help
